Tag Archives: All Saints

The Office of Compline for November 3, 2013

24th Sunday after Pentecost
All Saints (November 1st)

Conductor: Jason Anderson
Reader: Joel Matter
Cantor: Derek Curtis-Tilton

ORISON: “Holy is the true Light” (Sir William H. Harris [1883 – 1973])

PSALM: 149 (Peter Hallock)

HYMN: “Who are these like stars appearing” (tune: Zeuch mich, zeuch mich, melody from Geistreiches Gesang-buch [1698], harmonized by William Henry Monk [1823 – 1889])

NUNC DIMITTIS: (setting by William Byrd [ca. 1539/40 – 1623]; Tone I Ending 8)

ANTHEM: “O quam gloriosum” (Tomás Luis de Victoria [1548 – 1611])

The Office of Compline for November 4, 2012

The Sunday after All Saints (Nov. 1)

Conductor: Jason Anderson
Reader: William Turnipseed
Cantor: Thomas Adams

ORISON: “Holy is the true light” (Sir William H. Harris [1883 – 1973])

PSALM: 24 (Peter Hallock)

HYMN: “Let saints on earth in concert sing” (tune: Dundee, melody from The CL Psalmes of David, [1615]; harmonized by Thomas Ravenscroft (1592? – 1635?), altered)

NUNC DIMITTIS: (setting by James Bassi)

ANTHEM: “Laudem dicite Deo” (John Sheppard [1515 – ca. 1559])

The Office of Compline for November 6, 2011

Sunday after All Saints (November 1st)

Conductor: Jason Anderson
Reader: Jeremy Matheis
Cantor: Thomas Adams

ORISON: “Holy is the True Light” (Sir William H. Harris [1883 – 1973])

PSALM: 34 (plainsong, Tone V Ending 2)

HYMN: “Who are these like stars appearing” (tune: Zeuch mich, zeuch mich, melody from Geistreiches Gesang-buch [1698], harmonized by William Henry Monk [1823 – 1889])

NUNC DIMITTIS: (setting by Thomas Tallis [ca. 1505 – 1585])

ANTHEM: “Laudem dicite Deo” (John Sheppard [ca. 1515 – 1559])