Tag Archives: Ressurection

The Office of Compline for April 17, 2022

The Feast of the Resurrection: Easter Day

PROCESSIONAL: Easter Canticle – Peter R. Hallock (1924–2014)

PSALM 114 – Plainsong, Tonus peregrinus

HYMN: Come, ye faithful, raise the strain (Tune: Gaudeamus pariter) – Medieval Bohemian Carol Melody,1544; vs. 2 harm. Hymnal 1940; vs. 3 harm. Harvey Grace (1874-1944)

NUNC DIMITTIS: Plainsong setting, Tonus peregrinus; harm. William Byrd (c. 1540-1623)

ANTHEM: Haec est dies – Jacob Handl (1550-1591)

Jason Anderson, director • J. Scott Kovacs, reader • Kenneth Peterson, cantor

The Office of Compline for April 16, 2017

April 16, 2017

The Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day

PROCESSIONAL: Easter Canticle – Peter R. Hallock (1924–2014) †

CANTICLE: The Song of Moses (Cantemus Domino)  – Plainsong setting, Tonus peregrinus

COMPOSITE HYMN SETTING: Victimae Paschali laudes, Plainsong, Mode I; mel. attr. Wigbert (d. 1050?) and Christ the Lord is risen again! (Tune:Christ ist erstanden), mel. from Geistliche Lieder, 1533; harm. Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612)

NUNC DIMITTIS: Plainsong, Tonus peregrinus; harm. William Byrd (c. 1539/1540-1623)

ANTHEM: Christus surrexit – Jacob Handl (1550-1591) *


Jason Anderson, director • Jeremy Matheis, reader • Joel Bevington, cantor

† Soloists in processional: James Wilcox and Layne Benofsky

* Quartet in anthem: Tyler Morse and Joel Bevington, altos  • Cameron Mousighi and Gregory Bloch, tenors

The Office of Compline for April 8, 2012

Sunday of the Resurrection
Easter Day

Conductor: Jason Anderson
Reader: William Turnipseed
Cantor: Jeremy Matheis

ORISON: Easter Canticle (Peter Halloxk [b. 1924])

PSALM: 114 (plainsong, Tonus Peregrinus)

HYMN: “Come, ye faithful, raise the strain” (Gaudeamus pariter, melody from J. Horne Gesangbuch [1544])

NUNC DIMITTIS: (setting by William Byrd [ca. 1539/40 – 1623], Tonus Peregrinus)

ANTHEM: “Dum transisset Sabbatum” (John Taverner [ca. 1490 – 1545])