Tag Archives: Women's Compline Choir

The Office of Compline for August 18, 2024

The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON:  Calm the Tempests of my Heart – Elizabeth Alexander (b.1962), Text: Sören Kierkegaard, adapted

PSALM 84 – Sheila Bristow 

HYMN: O Christ, you are both light and day – David Hurd (b. 1950) 

NUNC DIMITTIS: Jeff Junkinsmith (b. 1956)

ANTHEM: Adoremus in Aeternum – Ērik Ešenvalds (b. 1977)

The Women’s Compline Choir
Rebekah Gilmore, director • Sibyl Adams, reader • Sarra Sharif Doyle, cantor

The Office of Compline for August 4, 2024

The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON:  Grace to you and peace – Alice Parker (1924-2023), arr. Gregory Bloch 

PSALM 33: 1-11 – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014), arr. Jeff Reynolds

HYMN: Christe qui lux es et dies  – Stephanie Martin (b. 1962)

NUNC DIMITTIS: William Byrd (c. 1540-1623), arr. Bill Bertolas and Jeff Reynolds

ANTHEM: Ave Generosa – Ola Gjeilo (b. 1978)

The Women’s Compline Choir
Rebekah Gilmore, director • Jamie Balducci, reader • Natalie Ingrisano, cantor

The Office of Compline for July 30, 2023

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON:  Blessed spirits, loving angels – Shaker song by Eldress Mary Ann Gillespie (1829-1887)

PSALM 126 – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014), arr. Jeff Reynolds

HYMN: Mothering God  – Janet Peachey (b. 1953), arr. Gregory Bloch

NUNC DIMITTIS –  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (c. 1525-1594)

ANTHEM: Grace Before Sleep – Susan LaBarr (b. 1981)

The Women’s Compline Choir
Rebekah Gilmore, director • Jamie Balducci, reader • Natalie Ingrisano, cantor

The Office of Compline for July 24, 2022

The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON: Lumen – Abbie Betinis (b. 1980)

PSALM 122 – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014), ed. by Jason Anderson

HYMN: Now the day is over – Joseph Barnby, adapt. Gregory Bloch; Text: Sabine Baring-Gould

NUNC DIMITTIS – Harmonized plainchant, Mode V

ANTHEM: Ubi Caritas – Kim André Arnesen (b. 1980)

Sung by the Women’s Compline Choir, directed by Rebekah Gilmore

The Office of Compline for July 17, 2022

The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON: Portum in ultimo – Codex Calixtinus, [f. 217v (188v)] Text: Idem Ato

PSALM 116 – Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)

HYMN: Through all this world below (Tune: CAPTAIN KIDD) – arr. Kevin Siegfried (for the Seattle Women’s Compline Choir *Premiere) Tune: The Southern Harmony, and Musical Companion, Text: Mercer’s Cluster p. 498, adapted by Kevin Siegfried

NUNC DIMITTIS – Linda Kachelmeier (b. 1965)

ANTHEM: Ave Maria – Brittney E. Boykin (b. 1989)

Sung by the Women’s Compline Choir, directed by Rebekah Gilmore.

The Office of Compline for July 25, 2021

Compline this Sunday is sung the Women’s Compline Choir, directed by Rebekah Gilmore*

The Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

ORISON: Alleluia – Stephanie Martin (b. 1962)

PSALM: Psalm 14 – Plainchant, Tone III.4

HYMN: Te lucis ante terminum – Jeff Junkinsmith (b. 1956) [World Premiere]

NUNC DIMITTIS: Jeff Junkinsmith (b. 1956) [-dedicated to the Women’s Compline Choir (World Premiere)]

ANTHEM: Of The Glorious City – Stephanie Martin (b. 1962)

Rebekah Gilmore, director • Jamie Balducci, reader • Natalie Ingrisano, cantor

*Please note, there are some digital artifacts present in this recording due to issues with our streaming capture. Efforts have been taken to minimize them. We apologize for these distractions.