Special RSCM Compline Service

Saint Mark’s Cathedral and The Compline Choir were honored to be invited by the Royal School of Church Music – America, to contribute a pre-recorded office of Compline to be premiered during their 2021 online Summer Training Course. The service was filmed over two days in April 2021, following pandemic safety protocols and with a strictly limited number of participants: three senior choristers and four members of the Schola (or youth choir) of the Choir School, led by choir school director Rebekah Gilmore, eight adult members of the evensong choir, led by Canon for Cathedral Music Michael Kleinschmidt and eight members of the Compline Choir led by Dr. Jason Anderson. The service may be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7bWvjW8MmE

ORISON — “Beloved, let us love one another” from the cantata In Praise of Singing by Alice Parker (b. 1925)

PSALM 134 & 4 — Peter R. Hallock (1924–2014))

HYMN — “O Gladsome Light” Words: Phos hilaron, paraphrase by Robert Bridges (1844–1930). Tune: LE CANTIQUE DE SIMÉON, attr. Louis Bourgeois (1510–1561), harm. Claude Goudimel (1514–1572

NUNC DIMITTIS – Roger Sherman (b. 1951)

ANTHEM: “This Little Light of Mine,” African American Spiritual, arranged by John Wesley Work III (1901–1967)

Dr. Jason Anderson, Rebekah Gilmore, and Canon Michael Kleinschmidt, directors
Gregory Bloch, reader
Jason Anderson and Rebekah Gilmore, cantors

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